Fences for Airports
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A particular and technically very valid application for Composites regards “wave transparent ” fencing for airports, airway beacons, and VOR.

The antennas in the above described sites need to be protected from access of animals and/or vandals.

Utilization of GRP composites allows to realize barriers totally “radio transparent “, and with zero electromagnetic disturbance, making this way possible to reduce, or totally cancel the necessity for very costly “compensation” work, that on the other end would be necessary in presence of metal.

montaggio con cordolo
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Montaggio pannelli con casseforme a telaio

Cordolo in CLS con armatura radiotrasparente

Recinzioni  radiotrasparenti allarmabili

Recinzione VOR Voghera - relazione DIA

Articolo Homeland Defense Journal aug 2007

Certificato radiotrasparenza